Handle 30% More Cases with NeosAI

All-in-One Legal Case Management Software

  • Save up to 5 hours per case on document generation. Auto-generate legal documents in seconds. Populated with info from case files.
  • Reduce manual review by 80%. Create summaries of legal docs. Eliminate manual document review.
  • Save up 10 hours per case on data extraction. Auto-extract key details from case file items, including financials, legal docs, and images

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Streamline the Entire Case Lifecycle

Client Intake

Dynamic intake forms capture the most important case details. Automated responses keep leads engaged so you win more business.

Intake information is extracted and pre-populated in documents so you can instantly generate retainer agreements & case documents, send invoices, and get to the substantive case work.

Case Management

Keep track of all your cases in a single place. Track case status, upcoming deadlines, and billables. Access case documents, client communications, and invoices from anywhere with just a few clicks.

Allow clients to access case information, upload documents, and pay invoices via a secure self-service portal.

Document Drafting

Create first drafts of everything from demand letters to discovery motions in seconds using AI. Documents pre-populated with data from your case file.

Revise your draft by providing additional instructions, tone, and context. Save as a word document, pre-formatted and ready for you to review.

Slash the time required to enter case information and generate first drafts so you can focus on strategy and adding final touches.

Working the Case

Put information at your fingertips. Use our Advanced Search to find key information across the entire case file. No more spending hours hunting through files.

AI can summarize documents so you understand the content in a glance. Produce extracts of key details that can be automatically populated into your filings. No more cutting and pasting and no more transcription errors.

Invoicing & Billing

Automate time keeping and expenses to eliminate lost billables. Set staff-specific and client-specific billing rates.

Automatically draft invoices, ready for you to review and send. Allow ePayments with LawPay and leverage our Quickbooks integration to manage invoices easily. Track due dates and automatically send reminders for faster payment.

Leverage AI to automatically extract details from invoices and receipts to create Value records in Neos.


Maximize firm profitability with smart analysis of all your firm data. Numbers always updated and ready to use.

Analyze attorney caseloads, hours, productivity, costs, and revenue. Make data-driven decisions around staffing, bonuses, and promotions.

Forecast caseloads and revenue. Visualize likely settlement amounts and timelines. Track case intake, fees, and costs. Make better decisions around your case mix, staffing, marketing, and other expenses.

Client Intake
Case Management
Document Drafting
Working the Case
Invoicing & Billing

Integrates With All Your Technology

Integrates With All Your Technology

Save Your Firm Hours of Valuable Time and Reduce Human Errors

Document Summaries

Generate summaries of your documents with a click. Free your firm from time-consuming document reviews; embrace efficiency, boost productivity, and eliminate redundancy with automated summarization.

Document Generation

Draft documents in seconds with an effortless process. Transform your document creation by eliminating time-consuming research and repetitive drafting, unlocking efficiency and streamlining productivity.

AI Document Extraction

Effortlessly extract key details for accurate data entry and scalable performance. Transform your workflow and enhance case efficiency by minimizing time-intensive document review and data entry tasks, avoiding costly errors and ensuring meticulous information management.

Neos award-winning legal case management software. Now with AI.

  • Embedded AI

    Minimizes errors, expediting resource-heavy tasks like document generation and data extraction.

  • Streamlined document management

    Quickly and easily generate and manage high volumes of documents.

  • Efficient collaboration & communication

    Schedule, call, email, and text directly from the platform.

  • Automated case workflow

    Save time and improve outcomes with dynamic processes that eliminate the need for manual input.

  • Flexible reporting and dashboards

    Get 24/7, real-time insights of your firm’s most critical statistics.

  • End-to-end client lifecycle management

    From first case to case resolution, manage intakes and cases with an all-in-one solution.

Why thousands of legal professionals rely on Neos to power their practice

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Transform firm economics with massive time and cost savings with NeosAI

Save your firm hours of valuable time and reduce human errors with NeosAI for lawyers and law firms.

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